I have always been a scribbler, and have dabbled in all
sorts of literary genres. I began writing poetry as a teen, and enjoyed
journaling, but never thought about writing for other people until my first
semester of college, when an amazing English teacher encouraged us each to
begin a blog as a way to practice our writing.
Learning Ladyhood was
actually my second foray into blogging, and was followed by two others along
the way. The only blogs I currently post on are this one, Learning Ladyhood,
and The Wind in the Willowware, a blog about being a novice collector
of blue Spode dishes. (Wondering why? Click here to read my initial post.)
In January I began working on a short book about Biblical
contentment, based on Proverbs 30:7-9. It’s in the beta reader phase, and I’m
in the process of deciding whether to self-publish or try for traditional
My other work in progress right now is a novel about a young
woman, a historic town, and two very different tea shops. More to come about
My goal in whatever I am writing is to honor the Lord and to be a help to others.