My dear friends at Ebenezer Forest Farm have very kindly bestowed upon
my little blog the honor of the "One Lovely Blog Award".
Thank you, Strang family!
I have awarded the following blogs:
Diary of a Country Girl
Country Diary of a 21st Century Lady
Heirloom Gazette
Home Living
Safely To Arrive at Home
According to the award rules, I was supposed to award a total of 15 other blogs, but... I guess I'm picky. : ) (That, and I haven't explored blogger enough to have 15 newly discovered blogs.)
But, for those of you who were awarded, here are the rules:
1. Accept the award (post the picture on your blog, along with the name of the person who has granted you the award.
2. Pass the award along to 15 newly-discovered blogs
3. Don't forget to contact the bloggers to let them know you awarded them!